Misha Vinarski

Born and raised amidst the crisp air of Canada, my childhood was a concoction of maple syrup sweetness and the adrenaline rush of sports. Through high-school, I ventured into the world of the International Baccalaureate Diploma, laying the groundwork for my insatiable curiosity. Little did I know that these formative years would set the stage for a journey that transcended borders and industries.


As a teenager, I was caught with the entrepreneurial bug. In the quiet setting of my rural Canadian home, I kickstarted an e-commerce business - my first foray into the world of retail. The thrill of entrepreneurship and the dynamic nature of the retail industry left an indelible mark on me, sparking a flame that would soon expand beyond international borders.


The pivotal moment came at the age of 18, when I bid farewell to the comfort and calmness of my Canadian home, and embraced the California sun, enrolling at UCLA to delve into the intricacies of finance. Simultaneously, I found my e-commerce venture burgeoning in the dynamic fashion market of Los Angeles, surpassing the limitations of my homeland. The juxtaposition of academia and real-world business dynamics became the canvas on which my narrative unfolded. I continued to pursue my e-commerce business, albeit as a hobby rather than as a career.


Post-UCLA, I continued my finance trajectory through the realm of technology investment banking at Deutsche Bank. Immersed in the ever-evolving landscape of tech, I gleaned insights into diverse segments and witnessed the rapid metamorphosis of software and the internet. The intersection of finance and technology became the catalyst for my next move.


Throughout my time at Deutsche Bank, my innate entrepreneurial spirit kept resurfacing. I eventually made the bold decision of founding my own company. Armed with a vision to bridge gaps and exploit opportunities, I developed machine learning software to arbitrage retail goods across international borders. The fusion of my e-commerce roots and the financial acumen gained at Deutsche Bank gave rise to a venture with boundless potential.


The journey, however, is far from over. Scaling my company to a nine-figure business is the current heartbeat of my ambitions. The vision extends beyond profit margins; it's about shaping a narrative that intertwines my roots in retail, finance, and technology. The story of my life so far is a testament to the fluidity of dreams and the ability to traverse diverse landscapes, each chapter building upon the last.


As I navigate the corridors of Silicon Valley, I am not just crafting a career; I am orchestrating a symphony of experiences, seamlessly weaving together my upbringing, education, and professional endeavors. The pages of my life story are still being written, and I am both excited and unsure of where my next adventure will take me.


Chirag Tirathrai


Remi Garcia